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理工大學網上職業博覽 2021

The Sixth Consecutive Year At PolyU Career Fair Nexify participates in Career Fairs organized by different institutes every year, hoping to interact with students […]

理工大學網上職業博覽 2020

Due to the impact of the pandemic, we were unable to have face-to-face interactions with PolyU students at the Career Fair. However, Nexify organized

CityU E‑Career Success Fair 2020

Every year, Nexify participates in various Career Fairs organized by different universities. We aim to engage in face-to-face interactions with students, allowing them to

Imaging Centre隆重開幕

Nexify is delighted to announce the expansion of our business during these challenging times with the establishment of the Nexify Imaging Centre! We sincerely


Previous slide Next slide Thank you to Innovix for bringing roasted pig and champagne to the Nexify Office. We also appreciate Innovix’s continuous support

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