
Enhancing and Enriching Customer Experiences with Smart Interaction

Powered by digital innovation, tech-savvy consumers expect their insurance to reflect the speed and efficiency of their 24/7 lifestyles. Nexify’s CHATBOT solution offers a way for insurance companies to meet these demands without the need for significant investment in staff and equipment. The CHATBOT personalizes customers’ digital experience by swiftly responding to and adapting to their queries. It reduces the need for more manpower and minimizes the risk of human error, all while providing a seamless and efficient customer service.


Our CHATBOT solution provides an instant conversational platform that intelligently responds to customer queries, automates the claims process based on their input, and suggests suitable products to meet their needs. This eliminates the requirement for trained agents in the field. It functions as an automated insurance agent equipped with comprehensive knowledge about your products. Whether it’s recommending the appropriate insurance, assisting with application preparation, or facilitating claims filing, Nexify’s CHATBOT consistently meets and exceeds your customers’ expectations for excellent service.


With expert knowledge of your company’s services and products, the CHATBOT adeptly guides current and prospective customers in their decision-making process and addresses general inquiries. It offers essential one-on-one interaction round the clock, meeting the 24/7 demand of your customers and fostering customer loyalty.

Applications & Claims CHATBOT
In the traditional approach, human agents have traditionally been responsible for navigating the complex insurance application process on behalf of clients, which consumes substantial time and resources. However, with Nexify’s CHATBOT, customer information can be instantly captured from a photo or scan, enabling automatic completion and verification of electronic applications. This convenience extends to the claims process as well. The CHATBOT can promptly register incidents of loss, schedule evaluation appointments, coordinate emergency support in case of accidents, and provide personalized post-disaster assistance to policyholders.

Personalised Sales CHATBOT
By leveraging your customers’ geographic and social data, our CHATBOT solution has the capability to tailor recommendations for coverage of specific items and events. This functionality enables the creation of promotional opportunities for on-demand insurance, where policies can be customized to suit individual needs.

Document Management CHATBOT
Through seamless integration with your electronic document management system, Nexify’s CHATBOT can provide customers with instant access to their information. It can retrieve and present details about the types of coverage and sum insured in their policies, ensuring customers are well-informed about their insurance coverage.

Solution illustration

With just a photo of a receipt taken on your phone, Nexify’s CHATBOT offers a guided workflow that collects necessary information and assists you throughout the entire claims process. It seamlessly walks you through the steps, enabling the automatic generation of claims reports and ensuring swift verification within minutes.

What is included in your policy and what does it cover? Just ask the CHATBOT! It can provide you with your policy information instantly, eliminating the need for any additional steps or delays.

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