Browser Extension Development

Extensions can extend the capability of a browser by adding features to it, thus enhance the productivity of your business. It is important to maximize the functionality of the browsers so that users can be more empowered to perform different tasks with them. Over the years, our experienced team has established the reputation of providing excellent browser extension solutions across different industries.


Chrome Extension Development


Safari Extension Development


Mozilla Firefox Extension Development


Chrome Extension Development


Safari Extension Development


Mozilla Firefox Extension Development


Microsoft Edge Extension Development


Microsoft Edge Extension Development


Opera Extension Development


Internet Explorer Extension Development


Opera Extension Development


Internet Explorer Extension Development


High Compatibility

Browser extensions service for various major browsers can serve the specific needs of our clients. We understand it is essential to extend the reach to different browser users, so we offer solutions which can be utilized across various browsers without sacrificing performance.

Customized Design and Efficiency

Your requirements and needs are carefully listened. With strong communication, our team offers exceptional interface designs and writes code in a professional manner to deliver the best solution to your company. Our clients will never be disappointed at the level of customization we provide. The greatest efficiency is also achieved by ensuring the extensions we develop can operate at high speed without slowing down the browser.

Security and Privacy

Privacy and security are also our huge concerns. It is possible that harmful codes would appear in browser extensions, similar to other software. As the codes are complicated, we ensure that the codes are stored on the server instead of the extensions to safeguard the codes from hackers. You would be able to enjoy the improved browser experience the extensions bring you without worrying about security and privacy issues.

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